Friday, June 27, 2008

Can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!

Hello there!

Nate is coming home tonight/tomorrow and I am SO OVERLY EXCITED WITH JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I missed him SO terribly!

But the only thing that makes it even sadder is that he leaves the VERY NEXT DAY FOR KENU CAMP!!

I will miss him EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are a FEW pictures of Nate because I miss him SO MUCH!

Luv u lots, Nate-man!

Nate is not going to be happy, but OH WELL! He looks so cute when he is sleeping!!

There he goes....

Up, up, up! AND..........

IN FOR THE DUNK!! 2 points!!!!

Sleeping on school, are we??


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mexico Trip, AGAIN!!

Hi there everyone!

Nate is leaving for Mexico TOMORROW! I am going to miss him dearly!

When he gets back, he has to leave the next day for a camp called Kenu camp. It's an acting camp and I think only a certain amount of people are picked! A couple of our friends are going as well!

Happy Fathers Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Hey Y'all!

So, did you guys all survive?

We had TERRIBLE weather here!

I hope none of you experienced what we had!

My dad and Micah, Isaiah, Josiah and Eli left at 8:00 in the morning and returned at 9:00 at night due to the weather!!

They were stuck at Shopko for a LONG time because they had a TORNADO!!But they didn't get hit, thankfully!

Well, I'd better go now!


Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, I am here sitting in my house, typing out this post with nothing exciting on it except for the fact that Ben is graduating, Ben is getting married, but that isn't very exciting.



Well, I am here sitting in my house, typing out this post with nothing exciting on it except for the fact that Ben is graduating, Ben is getting married, but that isn't very exciting.


Newest Post of All!

Hello Y'all!

'SOMEONE' asked me to post some pictures, so I shall, I have no idea which ones, but I hope they will satisfy that 'SOMEONE'! ;)

Here they are!:

Aww! ;)

Noah, Elijah and Ben!

My lil' buddy!!

Oops! Who's that? :)

The Baby! (Well, not anymore, but the family baby!) :)
Well, that's all 4 now!

June 1st!


This year is going by fast, I can't believe that it's already June!!

Just thought that I should mention that!
