Tuesday, October 9, 2007

(con't from story)

Well, I'll start from where I left off:

When he finally got to the top, he was in awe! The golden sun was shining so very bright on there very small pile.

But what he saw next made him even more amazed, he saw Red, now, we know that the slums people and the popular people didn't talk to each other very much (Unless they were family members, of course.)

But when Red saw Brown, he laughed and said very loudly so that Brown could hear him "Looky over there, now there's an ugly leaf.
Why, he's so ugly that I can't even look at him!" "Ha! Ha! There go's the ugliest leaf in Pile ville!" A tear slipped down old Browns cheek, he quickly wiped it of with his stem.

Brown quietly made his way down to his house in the slums. Trying not to remember the mean and hateful words that they had said, he thought, 'I must be very ugly, for they all said it.' When he returned to his home, he sat and thought about the coming winter, for he was trying to forget. And this is what he thought 'I wonder if I will die when the winter comes, I hope not! (yawn) Well, I best get to bed.' And with that, the sun went down, leaving them all in a dark, but beautiful, starry night.

The next morning, there was a frost, and that is how it was for the next few days, Brown hoped that he wouldn't die, but that he would grow into a large and strong tree.

Red, on the other hand, didn't want to die, but wanted to stay his rightful color and show it off to all the others.

Then, one night, the snow started to fall. Red, who had been on the top that night, started to shiver in the cold air, he tried to find a way to get into the pile somehow, but no one would let him in, Red had forgotten to build his house! He was so used to being in the warm night air, but now, he was freezing!

The next morning, all the leaves got up and ready to see the snow! But when they all went to there doors, they couldn't open them up! The snow was far to thick to even let them budge!

Now, this is where I'll end the story, (Don't worry, it has a moral ;).) Red, froze on the top, his bright deep red left him, and he was no more. Brown, didn't freeze at all for the next couple days. But when he did, he was glad he had a wonderful life, even though it was in the slums.

When spring came, both of the leaves didn't get exactly what they wanted, but Brown's came very close. Red became a fertilizer for a small weed called "Poison Ivy" (Which we all hate!) And Brown became a fertilizer for a great oak tree that children still climb today!

So now, what is the moral of the story? Well, I'll let you find that out for yourself! Bye!

1 comment:

--aleks k. said...

Hey Sarah!

Like the post!! I like the Ice Age setting. glad you liked it. I'm going to get the kitten one up as soon as I can. I have to wait tell Ali gets back 'cuz she is the one that knows how to put it on. It was really fun that you came for last night! I had a really fun time with you over!! Glad you could come. See you on Monday. Early monday. and we have to stay there tell 1! 4 hours!!
